Energy consumption within the organisation
The following table provides an overview of the consumption figures of Bionorica SE:
Type of consumption |
2021 |
2020 |
Change |
Fuel consumption from non-renewable sources (heating oil, natural gas, diesel, petrol) |
27,085,406 kWh*1 |
31,001,842 kWh*1 |
-14.46% |
Fuel consumption from renewable sources (wood pellets, almond shells) |
1,725,484 kWh*1 |
1,020,659 kWh*1 |
40.85% |
Electricity consumption |
8,573,907 kWh*1 |
8,932,337 kWh*1 |
-4.18% |
Thermal energy consumption at Neumarkt site |
6,729,300 kWh*3 |
8,113,400 kWh*3 |
-20.57% |
Steam consumption production at Neumarkt site |
7,506,310 kWh*2 |
8,057,700 kWh*2 |
-7.35% |
Total energy consumption within the organisation |
33,870,231 kWh*1 |
35,832,818 kWh*1 |
-5.79% |
*1 EU sites of Bionorica (Scope Energy Management System EnMS according to ISO 50001), EU-wide recording due to applicable regulations
*2 Only production recorded at main business location in Neumarkt
*3 Only main business location Neumarkt recorded, incl. external warehouse in Neumarkt
The consumption figures are read in accordance with the measurement concept of the Bionorica SE energy management system (EnMS), which is certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 50001. In the 2021 reporting year, Bionorica was successfully audited by the Deutschen Gesellschaft zur Zertifizierung von Qualitätssicherungssystemen (DQS – German Society for the Certification of Quality Assurance Systems).
DQS is itself accredited by the Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH (DakkS – German Accreditation Body), and conducts independent audits of companies in accordance with around 100 national and international regulations, as well as according to company and association-specific standards.
The sources of the conversion factors used here are the specifications of the Federal Office of Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA). If supplier-specific data is available, the calculations in this report are based on this individual information. There is no resale of energy.
Reporting limits: Cooling energy consumption is not recorded here because it is produced from electricity and heat, i.e. through energy conversion. Consequently, cooling energy consumption is already included with electricity and heat.
Reduction of energy consumption
In terms of reducing energy consumption, one project was significant at the main business location in Neumarkt in the 2021 reporting year: in the area of production, two ventilation and heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems (HVAC) were upgraded so that they automatically switch from normal to the more energy-efficient setback mode at weekends, thereby significantly saving electricity since the technical conversion effected with the help of a time program. This savings amounts to 191,360 kilowatt hours (kWh) per year. By way of comparison: a 4-person household in a single-family home in Germany saves around 4,000 kWh according to the 2021 statistics of the “Stromspiegel”*1, which is sponsored by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. The calculated annual electricity savings thus corresponds to the consumption of almost 50 4-person households.
In addition, the conversion to newer lighting technology in the high-bay warehouse in Neumarkt has resulted in an annual electricity savings of 45,453 kWh since the 2021 reporting year.
*1 The “Stromspiegel für Deutschland” provides nationwide comparative values for the electricity consumption of private households.
Photo credit:
© Bionorica SE - Stefan Hanke