Bionorica SE is a member of the following federations and associations:
- Bundesverband der Pharmazeutischen Industrie (BPI)
- Bundesverband der Arzneimittel-Hersteller e.V. (BAH)
- Komitee Forschung Naturmedizin e. V. (KFN)
- Gesellschaft für Arzneipflanzen- und Naturstoffforschung (GA)
- Verband der Chemischen Industrie e. V. (VCI)
- The European Confederation of Pharmaceutical Entrepreneurs (EUCOPE)
- Landschaftspflegeverband Neumarkt i.d. OPf. e.V. (LPV)
Membership in these federations and associations allow us to engage in intensive dialogues on various topics relevant to the pharmaceutical industry and in particular on phytotherapy, for example in committees or working groups. The frequency of our involvement varies depending on the frequency of the meetings. Through its membership in the BPI, Bionorica is also actively involved in health policy. As deputy chairman of the BPI, Professor Michael A. Popp plays a considerable role here. The Bionorica CEO and owner has been active in this function since 1998 and, in this way, is actively helping to shape the health care system through discussions about reforms and expert lectures.
Important topics and concerns addressed within the scope of the association’s work have included the following:
- A clear differentiation of phytopharmaceuticals from food supplements and medical products
- The establishment of feasible limits for contaminants in medicinal drugs
- The development of improved framework conditions for new and further developments of herbal medicinal products
- Demanding a prudent regulation of phytopharmaceuticals EU-wide and nationally
Bionorica – specifically: our Drug Regulatory Affairs (DRA) area – also engages in a global stakeholder dialogue with national regulatory authorities. This exchange is process-relevant as, for example, the European and Eurasian multi-state procedures for medicinal products always run according to a strict time schedule and deadlines for responding to enquiries from the authorities must be met and responses submitted on a particular date.
As a manufacturer of pharmaceutical products, Bionorica is principally committed to maintaining the highest level of transparency and accuracy of documentation vis-à-vis national and international authorities and is regularly audited.
The company also engages in an important stakeholder dialogue with the media. In the 2021 reporting year, the annual press conference was held in March at the company’s headquarters in Neumarkt, Germany. It was attended by 18 media representatives from the regional and national lay and trade press. CEO Professor Michael A. Popp reported on the company’s performance in the first year of the pandemic and answered the journalists’ questions. The result was a gratifying media response of 30 articles. In addition, Bionorica received more than 40 press enquiries in Germany alone in the 2021 reporting year. In 2021, Corporate Communications sent out eight press releases to inform the media and thus the public about various topics. These included “Bionorica supports the German Olympic team in Tokyo with herbal medicinal products”, “Neumarkt natural medicine manufacturer is ‘Axia Best Managed Company 2021’: Bionorica honoured for entrepreneurial excellence” and the presentation of certificates to our trainees, including Bavaria’s best pharmaceutical technician.